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Declassified: Chilling Vietnam War Photos Laid Bare



The Vietnam War has had a lasting impact on the American national consciousness and collective cultural memory. It is widely regarded as a significant turning point in American history, lasting from 1955 to 1975, with American ground involvement from 1965 to 1973. The conflict pitted Communist North Vietnam against the American-backed South Vietnam, resulting in the unification of Vietnam under a communist regime. However, the war also had indirect but significant consequences. It forever changed the relationship between the American public and the government, fostering a deep distrust towards leaders who were accused of lying about the war. Additionally, the international perception of the United States was negatively altered due to its methods of fighting against North Vietnam. This shift in perception was largely driven by powerful photographs that exposed the horrors of the war.

American Soldier Comes to the Aid of Elderly Vietnamese Woman

American Soldier Comes to the Aid of Elderly Vietnamese Woman
The participation of civilians in the Vietnam War was a distressing and terrifying element. Unlike traditional wars with easily identifiable battle lines, the concealed presence of the Vietcong throughout South Vietnam led to civilians being constantly caught in the midst of conflict. As a consequence, this created a hazardous and unstable environment for individuals such as the elderly woman shown, as they were exposed to the risk of violence and devastation in various locations, ranging from small villages to bustling cities throughout South Vietnam.

Soldier Adds Personal Touch to Helmet with Pictures of Loved One

Soldier Adds Personal Touch to Helmet with Pictures of Loved One
Numerous Americans, who were drafted into the military against their will and sent to Vietnam, discovered little meaning in the war, but instead felt a profound yearning for their homes. They started perceiving the war as purposeless and ineffective. The majority of these individuals were young males, freshly graduated from school, who simply longed to go home and partake in ordinary activities that young people enjoy. Notably, one soldier decorated his helmet with pictures of his girlfriend back in the United States.

U.S. Soldier Rescues Vietnamese Children While Battling

U.S. Soldier Rescues Vietnamese Children While Battling
During the intense and brutal conflict in Vietnam, amidst the civil war between the communist North and the U.S.-backed South, a courageous American soldier willingly endangered himself to aid two young Vietnamese children. Unfortunately, the merciless nature of the fighting often placed innocent civilians in grave danger, making them vulnerable to violence. Moreover, the economies of both North and South Vietnam were undeveloped at the time, leading to scarce resources and a lack of focus on offering assistance or ensuring the safe evacuation of civilians.

Bright Future Envisioned through Hopeful Aspirations

Bright Future Envisioned through Hopeful Aspirations
Toshio Sakai’s award-winning photograph titled “Dreams of Better Times” successfully encapsulates the true essence of American soldiers stationed in Vietnam. Through this captivating image, the viewer is presented with a soldier seeking respite atop sandbags amidst a relentless monsoon, effectively symbolizing the profound discomfort, weariness, and yearning for home that plagued countless servicemen. This particular photograph, along with its counterparts, gained widespread circulation worldwide and notably contributed to the increasing disillusionment within the American public as the war persisted throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Don McCullin Poses with American Troops

Don McCullin Poses with American Troops
The image portrays Don McCullin, a renowned photojournalist who played a vital role in disseminating accurate information about the grim reality of the war. His impactful photographs, such as the famous “Thousand Yard Stare,” significantly shaped public opinion about the Vietnam War. These slides showcase the profound impact of McCullin’s images, which not only fostered disillusionment within the United States but also influenced how the international community perceived the United States and its role in the conflict.

American Prisoners of War Finally Freed, En Route Home by Plane

American Prisoners of War Finally Freed, En Route Home by Plane
Throughout the war, a considerable number of American soldiers were captured by North Vietnam and held in dreadful conditions within prisoner of war camps. Due to the scarcity of food and supplies caused by the conflict, the North Vietnamese held strong animosity towards the American troops, viewing them as foreign invaders aiming to colonize Vietnam. As a result, the prisoners faced severe mistreatment, insufficient nourishment, and even acts of torture. Nevertheless, the depicted image portrays a blissful moment when the American troops finally came back home after the United States withdrew from the war and successfully negotiated the release of all prisoners.

New Helmet Urges V.C. to Leave

New Helmet Urges V.C. to Leave
This American soldier boldly inscribes “V.C. Go Home” on his helmet, referring to the Vietcong, the guerilla warfare division of the North Vietnamese Army. The North Vietnamese forces commonly express their sentiment with the phrase “G.I. Go Home”. In a playful and mocking gesture, the soldier decides to adopt the same phrase and display it on his helmet, a practice frequently observed among soldiers. Although officers often discourage their men from defacing their helmets and gear in this manner, many soldiers still find solace in this pastime, using it as a means to pass time and convey their own messages.

Brave Adventurer Saves Cute Puppy in Daring Tunnel Expedition

Brave Adventurer Saves Cute Puppy in Daring Tunnel Expedition
Entering the intricate tunnel networks built by the Vietcong in the dense jungle posed immense danger to American soldiers. These tunnels played a crucial role in connecting the expansive underground bases used by the Vietcong. The soldiers embarked on these perilous missions with little knowledge of what awaited them inside the tunnels, armed only with a flashlight and pistol for self-defense. Surprisingly, the photo captures a soldier emerging from a tunnel and stumbling upon an unexpected discovery – a puppy belonging to the North Vietnamese forces. This depiction of the courageous “Tunnel Rats” has since become an iconic symbol of the war, deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness of the public.

Marines Patrolling the Jungle in Colorized Images

Marines Patrolling the Jungle in Colorized Images
The main duty of the U.S. troops deployed to Vietnam was to aid the South Vietnamese in eliminating the Vietcong guerillas who took shelter in the jungle and targeted South Vietnamese outposts and villages. To achieve this goal, the U.S. troops spent significant amounts of time patrolling the jungle in order to find and eliminate Vietcong hideouts. The image shows a group of American soldiers on a patrol mission, working hard to locate the Vietcong and protect local bases from their attacks.

American Soldier Builds DIY Sawed-Off Carbine

American Soldier Builds DIY Sawed-Off Carbine
The gear used by American troops, as well as South Vietnamese troops, was mainly designed for conventional warfare similar to scenarios seen in World War II, rather than for close-quarters combat in the jungle. As a result, many U.S. soldiers took the initiative to modify their weapons to better suit this type of warfare. For example, in this case, the soldier has made his wooden carbine smaller to improve maneuverability and usability in the dense jungle environment. Having a smaller weapon allows soldiers to move quickly, navigate tunnels more effectively, and significantly reduces the weight they have to carry.

Child soldiers from South Vietnam form a bond while sharing a cigarette.

Child soldiers from South Vietnam form a bond while sharing a cigarette.
In this image, two very young child soldiers from North Vietnam can be seen sharing a cigarette while stationed on the front lines. As the conflict between North Vietnam, the South, and the United States escalated and casualties increased, there was a desperate need for soldiers. As a result, North Vietnam resorted to using children as troops. These young soldiers proved to be extremely advantageous for North Vietnam and the Vietcong because of their agility, small size, and ability to blend in as non-soldiers. They served as valuable scouts and guerrillas, employing tactics that countered the superior military capabilities of the U.S. and Southern armies.

South Vietnamese Infantry Marching

South Vietnamese Infantry Marching
The United States not only trained commando units but also provided training to regular South Vietnamese infantry units, as depicted in the accompanying photograph. While some South Vietnamese units exhibited courage in battle, the overall American goal of creating an independent Army of South Vietnam capable of defending against the North was ultimately unsuccessful. This effort was impeded by the population’s lack of trust in the U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government, leading to minimal loyalty. The photo serves as evidence that the South Vietnamese Army heavily depended on the United States for supplies and equipment.

Commando Trained by Vietnamese Americans from South Vietnam Prepares for Action

Commando Trained by Vietnamese Americans from South Vietnam Prepares for Action
With the objective of reducing American soldiers in Vietnam, the American government focused on training South Vietnamese forces, aiming to empower them to independently fight the war without depending on American troops. In the picture, a South Vietnamese commando, who has received training and support from the Americans, is seen preparing to undertake a mission alongside his American counterparts. While the South Vietnamese Army did not entirely fulfill the U.S. expectations, specific units managed to make their American instructors proud.

American Sniper and Spotter Enter Combat

American Sniper and Spotter Enter Combat
In the context of the Vietnam War, snipers held a notable position as they were utilized by opposing factions to efficiently eliminate enemy officers and soldiers while remaining hidden. This specialized task demanded extensive training and was carried out by duos. One soldier would employ binoculars to spot the enemy, while the other, armed with a sniper rifle, would rely on the former’s guidance to precisely aim and fire. The significance of concealment cannot be overstated, forcing snipers to restrict themselves to a solitary shot from a specific site at any given moment. This underscored the utmost importance of accuracy to prevent unnecessary losses.

Remains of Huế surveyed by American Troops

Remains of Huế surveyed by American Troops
The Battle of Huế, widely recognized as a brutal and intense conflict during the Vietnam War, gained attention due to its strategic significance in the narrow yet expansive central region of Vietnam. Both sides fought relentlessly to gain control of this vital city, fully aware of the significant advantages it would provide as a key settlement and operational hub. Remarkably, the introduction of the groundbreaking M-16 rifles by U.S. troops was a notable aspect of this battle.

Soldier apprehended for smuggling Budweiser and Coca-Cola into the country

Soldier apprehended for smuggling Budweiser and Coca-Cola into the country
The soldiers from America who were sent to Vietnam were confronted with the brutal hardships of war, as they fought against an elusive adversary in an unfamiliar land with a drastically distinct climate and environment from their own. Similar to any soldier, they longed for the comforting familiarity of their home. This photograph captures a joyful American soldier proudly showcasing his hidden supply of Budweiser Beer and Coca-Cola soda that he succeeded in smuggling into the country. To these soldiers, the opportunity to savor something as basic as a soda or beer from their homeland was a treasured and appreciated indulgence.

1965: Marines Arrive at Cape Batangan

1965: Marines Arrive at Cape Batangan
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Marine Corps played a crucial role in executing amphibious landings, where troops would land on beaches and proceed to advance inland using specialized landing craft. The attached photograph taken in 1965 depicts Marines landing on Cape Batangan, showcasing their expertise in this type of operation. With their proficiency in ground combat and the backing provided by the navy for offensive maneuvers, the Marine Corps made substantial contributions throughout the conflict. This specific operation, highlighted in the image, serves as a testament to their unwavering reliability as a formidable force against the Vietcong.

Soldier Equipped with XM2 Sensor Detecting Human Presence

Soldier Equipped with XM2 Sensor Detecting Human Presence
In the rural and jungle areas of South Vietnam, U.S. forces constantly dealt with the daunting task of being ambushed by Vietcong guerilla troops. These troops possessed exceptional skills in concealment and adeptly utilized the landscape, thereby posing a tremendous challenge for the United States in terms of locating them. Consequently, the U.S. military devised various tactics to detect the enemy. Among these methods was the creation of the XM2 “People Sniffer,” a specialized device that aimed to identify sweat and aid in pinpointing the Vietcong’s whereabouts. Regrettably, this device was not consistently reliable, as it occasionally detected the sweat of the user instead.

A Penetrating Stare From a Distance

A Penetrating Stare From a Distance
During the evacuation of Huế in 1968, a U.S. Marine exhibited a haunting expression known as the “1,000-yard stare,” used to portray the vacant look of soldiers traumatized by war. The intense combat experienced in Vietnam, especially in urban warfare like the battles in Huế, turned such images into symbols of the conflict. The psychological wounds suffered by American troops in Vietnam made it difficult for them to completely recover from the horrors of war. As a result, post traumatic stress disorder became a lasting consequence of the Vietnam War, contributing to the many distressing legacies left by the conflict.

Marines Take on the Battle of Huế at the Front Lines

Marines Take on the Battle of Huế at the Front Lines
In Huế, a colorized image portrays urban warfare during the war. The U.S. Army encountered major difficulties in fighting against the North Vietnamese forces due to their focus on traditional war strategies resembling those used in World War II, instead of the guerrilla tactics employed by the Vietcong. However, despite the challenging urban battles in Huế, the United States effectively utilized their training and equipment to gain an advantage. By making use of their tanks and their expertise in conventional warfare, the Americans were able to exploit the limited weaponry of the Vietnamese troops.

Tunnel Rat Successfully Invades Vietcong Hideout

Tunnel Rat Successfully Invades Vietcong Hideout
In the midst of the war, when American troops were given the dangerous task of uncovering hidden Vietcong tunnels discovered by U.S. forces, they adopted the nickname “tunnel rats.” The Vietcong employed a clever tactic in the dense jungles of South Vietnam, constructing vast networks of tunnels to launch unexpected assaults on U.S. and South Vietnamese soldiers. Consequently, exploring these tunnels became the utmost critical and hazardous mission for American soldiers during the war.

U.S. Soldiers examine rifle confiscated from North Vietnamese forces

U.S. Soldiers examine rifle confiscated from North Vietnamese forces
Two American soldiers proudly showcase a Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle they have captured for the camera. Originally from Russia, this rifle was heavily supplied by the Soviet Union to the North Vietnamese forces during their alliance, despite not providing troops. The Soviet Union offered substantial material support, including weapons and equipment. The rifle on display, like many others, was surplus from World War II as the Soviets had vast stockpiles of such weaponry that they had little need for.

MPs come to the aid of injured comrade in Saigon

MPs come to the aid of injured comrade in Saigon
This image depicts two military policemen providing aid to a comrade wounded during the Tet Offensive of 1968. The Tet Offensive, a massive and unforeseen assault launched by the Vietcong throughout Vietnam, deviated from their prior strategies. Instead of attacking at conventional times, they chose to strike during the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, specifically targeting major cities where numerous South Vietnamese soldiers were on vacation. The scale and surprise of the offensive caught both the United States and South Vietnam off guard, with even the American embassy in Saigon falling under attack.

Mekong Delta vessels adorned with murky brown water

Mekong Delta vessels adorned with murky brown water
In Vietnam, there are many important rivers, and the Mekong delta stands out as it flows into the South China Sea in South Vietnam. Instead of navigating through the thick jungle on foot, small boats provided a faster and easier way to travel upstream. American troops used swift boats, also referred to as “brown water” vessels, to quickly explore upriver and locate and eliminate Vietcong outposts in Cambodia.

Navy SEAL Conducts Mission in Remote South Vietnamese Regions

Navy SEAL Conducts Mission in Remote South Vietnamese Regions
The Navy SEALs are highly respected and prestigious military units in the United States. They are known worldwide for their exceptional skills and capabilities as special forces. This photo depicts a Navy SEAL, representing the acronym for Navy Sea, Air, and Land, involved in a confidential mission during the Vietnam War. The SEALs were established in 1962 with specialized training to combat in Vietnam, where their exceptional abilities were invaluable to the American military, especially in carrying out undercover missions in dense jungles.

U.S. Huey Helicopters Enlist for Air Assault Mission

U.S. Huey Helicopters Enlist for Air Assault Mission
The Vietnam War left a lasting impression on the American people and shaped their shared cultural recollections, ensuring that it remains an indelible and momentous occurrence in the annals of American history. Spanning from 1955 to 1975, and involving direct American combat from 1965 to 1973, this confrontation between Communist North Vietnam and the American-backed South Vietnam is widely recognized as a pivotal chapter in the 20th century.

Infantry Fighting Vehicle Stuck in Muddy Terrain

Infantry Fighting Vehicle Stuck in Muddy Terrain
Mud has consistently presented a formidable problem for armies throughout the course of warfare. Its presence hinders soldiers’ mobility and poses a substantial barrier for large vehicles like tanks and armored vehicles, which is evident in the illustrated vehicle. The U.S. military heavily depended on tanks and vehicles in their training, but their efficacy was drastically curtailed in Vietnam due to relentless downpours and consequent mud. Conversely, the Vietcong adjusted their tactics by relying on foot travel, enabling them to swiftly maneuver and evade the sluggish and often incapacitated American vehicles.

MIKE Force Soldiers Celebrate Christmas

MIKE Force Soldiers Celebrate Christmas
During its time in Vietnam, the United States prioritized training and supporting the South Vietnamese in counterinsurgency and anti-guerrilla warfare strategies. The soldiers shown in the image belonged to the MIKE Force, or Mobile Strike Force Command, and collaborated with South Vietnamese soldiers as swift and observant units in order to counter Vietcong infiltrations in the southern area. Furthermore, MIKE Force played a crucial role in rescuing American pilots who were downed during bombing missions.

U.S. Commando Successfully Captures Secret Snapshot of Vietcong Troops Advancing in Thick Jungle

U.S. Commando Successfully Captures Secret Snapshot of Vietcong Troops Advancing in Thick Jungle
The United States encountered a significant obstacle in their attempts to fight the Vietcong and support the South because of the enemy’s skill in maneuvering through the jungle and concealing themselves in undisclosed spots. In order to counter this, American commandos were sent out in small squads to discreetly observe and track the movements of the Vietcong. This mission was extremely dangerous and risky, as the enemy had a greater understanding of the terrain than the American troops. This incredible image captures the Vietcong forces silently advancing through the jungle, and it was taken by a hidden U.S. commando.

An Insight into the Daily Routine in Saigon during 1967

An Insight into the Daily Routine in Saigon during 1967
During the war, Saigon was a crucial city as it served as the capital of South Vietnam and the center of military operations. It played a significant role by being the arrival and departure point for many American troops and equipment. Additionally, it became a popular destination for soldiers to take a break from combat. The city’s architecture, which bore the influence of French colonization, had a distinct Franco-Vietnamese aesthetic. However, in 1975, Saigon fell to the Vietcong, signifying the end of the war. The included image was taken by an American serviceman during his leisure time.

U.S. Troops’ Aerial Assault Strike in the Works as Preparations Commence

U.S. Troops' Aerial Assault Strike in the Works as Preparations Commence
The United States turned to Air Cavalry, a helicopter unit, to carry out air attacks due to the difficulties of navigating the dense jungle and reaching North Vietnamese positions. This strategy, featuring Hueys engaging in combat, has become a timeless symbol of the conflict. The impact of movies and popular media has further solidified this iconic image, with films such as Apocalypse Now and Platoon showcasing memorable scenes of helicopter-assisted aerial assaults.

New Command Center and Communication Hub Established in the United States

New Command Center and Communication Hub Established in the United States
In order for armies to function effectively, they need more than just combat troops. One crucial element for any army is a communication system that is well-developed and efficient, capable of disseminating orders to combat units and coordinating operations. In the conflict with North Vietnam, the United States aimed to capitalize on its advanced communications technology by employing a wide range of radio, radar, and other technological resources. It was of utmost importance to ensure the smooth operation of this aspect of the American military presence.

Australian Officer Aids in Fixing American M79

Australian Officer Aids in Fixing American M79
A Royal Australian Navy officer is helping to fix an American M79 grenade launcher. Although the majority of foreign forces sent to assist South Vietnam in its battle against North Vietnam came from the United States, other countries also provided their support. These nations include New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, and Australia. Their reasons for supporting South Vietnam were similar to those of the United States – they strongly opposed communism and were worried about the consequences of North Vietnam’s victory and the possible spread of communism. Australia, which sent the second largest number of troops, actively fought alongside the U.S. military in many battles. Their expertise in jungle warfare proved extremely valuable and greatly aided both the U.S. and South Vietnam.

US Commando Employs Classic Weapon, the Bow and Arrow

US Commando Employs Classic Weapon, the Bow and Arrow
In order to reveal the hidden Vietcong positions hidden within the dense jungle vegetation, a skilled American Commando is shown here using a bow and arrow. The arrow is set on fire strategically to uncover the enemy. The Vietcong were known for their ability to use the natural landscape of the jungle to their advantage, allowing them to hide and surprise both U.S. and South Vietnamese forces. As a result, American troops used various fire-based tactics, such as flamethrowers, napalm, and even flaming arrows, as depicted in this image, to burn down the obstructing foliage. This created an opportunity for American forces to enter and neutralize the Vietcong positions.

Amid Mortar Attack, U.S. Soldier Seeks Shelter in Church

Amid Mortar Attack, U.S. Soldier Seeks Shelter in Church
In 1967, a photograph was taken during a mortar attack by North Vietnamese forces, which became one of the most famous images of the war. It depicts a U.S. Marine seeking shelter amidst the chaos. Despite Vietnam’s predominantly Buddhist population, the country’s history as a French colony led to the emergence of a significant Catholic minority, primarily located in the South. This Catholic community held influence within the ruling political class, resulting in some South Vietnamese Buddhists secretly supporting the North. The soldier’s identity in the photograph remained a topic of discussion until the 1990s when it was revealed to be Richard Sutter, who tragically lost his life in combat a year later.

Soldier Participates in Battle of Dak To, Takes Hill 875

Soldier Participates in Battle of Dak To, Takes Hill 875
On his helmet, the Marine proudly exhibits his status as a survivor of the intense Battle of Hill 875, which occurred during the Battle of Dak To in November 1967. During this significant battle, the American 4th Infantry Division and 173rd Airborne Brigade united with the South Vietnamese military to resist a major offensive by the North Vietnamese. The enemy’s objective was to cause significant casualties and diminish the morale of both South Vietnamese and U.S. troops. It was a common practice for soldiers to personalize their helmets with messages that expressed their individual experiences or thoughts regarding the war.

Soldier documents the length of his deployment

Soldier documents the length of his deployment
In this picture, an American soldier is using his helmet to count down the time left in his deployment. As the Vietnam conflict escalated in the 1960s, more troops were needed, leading to a higher number of young American men being drafted to serve for a year in the war. When they arrived, many soldiers realized that Vietnam was not what they had expected. Their primary goal became finishing their service and getting back home as quickly as possible.

Machine Gun Fire Erupted by U.S. Soldier During Air Strikes

Machine Gun Fire Erupted by U.S. Soldier During Air Strikes
In terms of air power, the United States held a substantial advantage over North Vietnam. The North Vietnamese stood no chance of matching the overwhelming number of air strikes that the U.S. had the ability to carry out. The U.S. Air Force played a crucial role by conducting bombing missions on Vietnamese positions to support ground attacks. Additionally, they executed extensive carpet-bombing campaigns aimed at annihilating North Vietnamese supply depots and transportation routes. Ultimately, the U.S. dropped a larger quantity of bombs on Vietnam than the combined total dropped by the U.S. during World War II.

Marines react to a situation at Khe Sanh following an attack

Marines react to a situation at Khe Sanh following an attack
Since World War I, the machine gun has played a vital role in battles. The image captures two American soldiers who have endured a Vietcong assault on the Marine outpost at Khe Sanh. Armed with M-60 machine guns, they effectively utilized these weapons, firing a substantial amount of ammunition. Throughout the battle, the Vietcong launched extensive infantry attacks in an attempt to overpower the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces. While their efforts ultimately failed, they did manage to keep these forces engaged and prevented them from engaging in other areas of conflict.

U.S.A.F pilot captured by North Vietnamese following aircraft incident

U.S.A.F pilot captured by North Vietnamese following aircraft incident
During Operation Rolling Thunder in the Vietnam War, the United States sought to utilize their superior firepower and airpower to continuously bombard North Vietnam and the concealed jungle routes leading to South Vietnam. As a result, American pilots became targets of hatred for the North Vietnamese population. This image depicts the capture of pilots by the Vietcong and NVA, who extensively documented these incidents for propaganda purposes.

American Soldier Makes Swift Progress Through the Jungle With the Aid of a Flamethrower

American Soldier Makes Swift Progress Through the Jungle With the Aid of a Flamethrower
Originally designed for trench warfare in World War I, the flamethrower became an invaluable asset for American troops navigating the dense jungles of Vietnam. Its capacity to swiftly clear thick foliage facilitated troop mobility and exposed hidden Vietcong hideouts and tunnel systems. However, the flamethrower’s cumbersome size and weight presented difficulties for soldiers who had to bear their burden. Furthermore, the highly effective nature of flamethrowers made those wielding them particularly vulnerable to enemy attacks from the Vietcong.

Members of Parliament bravely defend U.S. Embassy during the Tet Offensive

Members of Parliament bravely defend U.S. Embassy during the Tet Offensive
The surprise Tet Offensive in 1968 caught both the United States and South Vietnam by surprise. The audacity of the North Vietnamese assault astonished them. The initial success of the offensive enabled Vietcong guerrillas, who had secretly entered Saigon, to directly target the U.S. embassy. This emphasized the desperate situation faced by the South. Witnessing the American embassy under attack shattered the optimistic perception of the war’s progress among the American public.

Vietnamese Village Devastated by Fire Navigated by American Soldier

Vietnamese Village Devastated by Fire Navigated by American Soldier
The main objective of American troops in Vietnam was to find and eliminate Vietcong forces that were deeply entrenched in rural villages throughout South Vietnam. These villages served as hiding places and operational bases for the enemy. To achieve this goal, the American military implemented a strategy that heavily relied on firepower, such as airstrikes and artillery strikes, to completely eliminate enemy positions before sending in ground troops. Due to the fact that many Vietnamese villages were made of wooden structures, explosive weapons like napalm were often utilized to destroy these enemy positions, as shown in the provided village picture. Regrettably, this approach frequently resulted in a significant number of civilian casualties, leading to widespread dissatisfaction with the war.